Product Catalog
White Crystalline
The White Crystalline is our best–selling classic marble that is famous for its stunning white radiance, strength and premium quality. With pieces of crystals embedded in its texture and grey or green veining combined with glossy surface, it brightens the space, while giving the feeling of serenity and comfort.
We also provide “groovy – finished” or “craftline & Mosaic” marble in tiles, bush hammer and split face marble to emphasize the eye-catching element in your design. The rugged surface is essential to maximize your design objective and achieve the trendy look.
“Groovy-finished” Rosso Chocolate & Mega Red marble brings a powerful impression on your flooring and walling. The rugged surface with red coloring and dark tiling are essential to give more energy to the room. Maximize your interior design aspiration and capture the natural element in your room.